Let It Rain

Let It Rain Photos by: Cincinnati Arts Association

Let It Rain
Photos by: Cincinnati Arts Association

Experience the Beatles with RAIN direct from Broadway! This multi-media experience includes a full range of The Beatles’ songs
performed by extremely talented musicians that look and sound like the lads from Liverpool. The vision and dedication of Mark Lewis has given the opportunity for early Fab Four fans to relive the experience and new fans the chance to experience the phenomena that
otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

The show includes 5 sets, each consisting of their own scene and corresponding costume changes with great attention to detail. The first is the recreation of the 1964 Ed Sullivan show and includes the hair styles, the tailored suites and boots.

The second includes songs from the movie era with performances from “A Hard Days Night” before transporting the audience to Shea Stadium. The technology pulls the audience into the illusion with live video of the audience projected onto the main screen along with close-ups of the band for a complete interactive experience.

The third set is the Sgt. Pepper era; with the album cover in the background, colorful costumes and mix of sophisticated lighting effects creating an electric atmosphere. Pay close attention to the album cover though because the band has also cleverly included their own photos to recreate the iconic album cover.

After a brief intermission the fourth set opens with the influence of Indian music and flower power as the band performs music from 1967-1968. The costumes and hair styles along with the music will take you back to the “Summer of Love” and also includes an acoustic set that will give the audience a taste of what the actual song writing process may have been like.

Set number five brings the show to an end with The Abbey Road period from 1969-1970. A recreation of the famous “Abbey Road” album cover provides RAIN with the visual to accurately represent this period with yet another costume change as they perform the selection of songs including the “Golden Slumbers” medley through “The End”.

Let It Rain Photos by: Cincinnati Arts Association

Let It Rain
Photos by: Cincinnati Arts Association